Everything you were taught is a lie.
(If you prefer, I made a more amateur but fun video presentation on this topic also.) Thanks to our trust of psychopaths , we humans went from small bands of people who trusted each other and loved life (as in this modern day example , or as summarized by Jean Leidloff, or this beautiful short video clip of Hadza saying they would never want to give up their way of life for a "civilization" in which people kill each other and themselves, or you can go visit Pygmies and see for yourself how happy the are still living in the forests ) to this "better" civilization, in which nobody knows anyone well enough to not rely on (usually negative) stereotypes , and half the resources are going to half a dozen people at the top . Those same people at the top make funny claims that this new system has lifted most humans out of "poverty." But who is poorer, someone who spends a few hours a day doing natural farming or hunting/gathering , with still plenty of tim...