Free ayahuasca healing farm

 Many friends have asked me to start an ayahuasca farm commune that anyone can come to. There are 10 acres of land in Acre, Brazil we could get for $15k from the neighbor of some Santo Daime friends.

If people are in accord with my vision they can help to make this a reality. Personally I believe everyone needs to exit the global economy ASAP because soon all money will be CBDCs (programmable government credits) which will require you to be 100% a slave to participate. And we have no clue what is in our food if we don't grow it. And modern society is totally flawed and mentally ill due to its size as mentioned here at

Every commune and retreat must screen applicants to avoid chaos. Diversity is beneficial but we must share some common values. Here are the ones which come to my mind. Feel free to comment if you have additions or subtractions and give your reasoning!

Much love,

Joel aka Nobody 


Core core values


Honesty is required before anything else, or else we are just as untrustable as the Evil Government. Do you have trouble being honest with yourself or your loved ones?

( We may need to lie to Evil Government to survive, but we can't lie to friends or self. Even when dealing with Evil we should always prefer to say nothing than to lie. If you ever feel you can't tell your friend the truth then tell them you don't feel comfortable to speak about this topic, but once they show you they can handle the truth you should be happy to get it off your chest.)


We need help from wise friends to think clearly/be on guard against delusions (I certainly did and do). Everyone is full of delusions, some more serious than others. Ayahuasca is a wonderful medicine, but make no mistake, you will get some delusional beliefs from any powerful experience. We can use our brains to test our theories without blind belief.

On this same note: you must not be a brainwashed government drone. You must understand the Evil Government can never be trusted. Nobody was forced to take their "vaccine" concoction. It was a choice to follow the Cabal unless you were unconscious when they injected you. You may be able to reverse the damage of that choice but it will require a lot of painful inner work. You can't reverse the damage if you excuse yourself by lying that you had no choice.

If you still trust standard medical doctors in general then you can't be helped. Realize that we are on our own and nobody but us can save us. Never accept a treatment that you haven't thoroughly investigated. 

Having said that, many of us have been destroyed by ignorant dentists putting mercury in our mouths, doing root canals, and pulling teeth improperly. While money is still a thing, we should raise money to help people see biological dentists who are trained in repairing this damage, since it can be a root cause of many other diseases. Ideally, we could set up our own biological dentistry clinic at some point.


our first goal in any type of real spirituality is peace and love. Not love as in enjoyment but as in compassion. If you believe you are God and you can do whatever you want, then you are actually a Satanist because that is their motto, "Do as thou wilt."


within this boundary of compassion, respect, peace and maximum harmlessness, we aim to be as free as possible. Anyone can do whatever they want if it's not harming self or others. Be naked or wear clothes. Be vegan or not. But don't bang your head into the wall. Then you are harming yourself and someone will be forced to stop you. If you don't want to live in community which has some say over your behaviors then try living alone.


Don't take advantage of someone with limited  capacity for understanding. This one is tricky, because it's relative. I have met young children that were more mature than middle-aged adults. It's helpful to ask the opinion of the community before engaging in any behavior that could possibly be seen as taking advantage of someone with less maturity. 


true spirituality is about becoming happier with less luxuries. Anyone could be temporarily happy if they have lots of wealth, all sense desires satisfied, infinite ketamine, but that happiness doesn't last. We don't need to be extreme ascetics but we should always be grateful for what we have AND what we don't have.


Life is an infinitely valuable preparation for death, so use your life wisely. If we aren't able to give up the identity/ego then there is no point in trying to heal, because the ego itself is a protective armor that blocks true healing. If you believe that your soul is immortal, you haven't understood yet that everything is conditions, and nothing is yours. We can learn a lot from studying certain Buddhist suttas, even (maybe especially) if we are not religious. If we believe whatever some religious book says without investigating for ourselves what makes sense and leads to true release, we aren't intelligent or spiritual.


Humility is a virtue. If you know better than someone else, be honest and teach what you know, but try to do so as humbly as the situation permits, maybe you could learn from them even if they are wrong or mostly wrong. If your opinion makes no sense then you may be the wrong one. Realizing you are wrong is the only way to become right. If you believe there is no right or wrong, you are not living in this conventional reality, and you won't heal.


Patience is essential. If you're in a hurry you will cause yourself and others a lot of suffering. Without patience we have no time to develop wisdom and our compassion also is more limited. People these days are so rushed they can never hear the divine inner voice leading to freedom of the heart. 


These are so far what came to me as important. I could be missing some. This applies to whoever wants to visit the commune or join it. No point coming for aya healing if they are too lost.

If you would like to donate towards the project or discuss whether you would be a good fit as a visitor or member, please contact me (Joel/nobody) on whatsapp or signal at +12672702057 

 I know most places will accept damn near anyone but that's because they are in it for money. Taking ayahuasca without proper preparation often leads to trouble. It could still be beneficial but I have found it isn't worth my time to work closely with someone who can't meet these criteria.

We will have maybe the most exclusive ayahuasca retreat on Earth. That can also be a "selling point" (aside from being free as a selling point).

I did find one ayahuasca commune in Peru that is free to join, 

Although they charge if you just want to come for a retreat.


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